#1 / Jan 25, 2021

new codebase, who dis? (How to Join a Team and Learn a Codebase)

Great advice for diving into a new codebase. I liked this bit in particular:

The rule of thumb I use is to understand something just enough to express what it does without necessarily knowing exactly how it does that. This process is called "chunking," and it relies on the fact that once you have a basic understanding of a unit of code, "you don't need to remember all the little underlying details" (Oakley).


The site's slogan says it all:

Convince an AI that you're the best artist

Build a Hugo static site in your browser using GitHub Codespaces

This guy built/deployed a static site without leaving the browser using a combination of GitHub Codespaces and Netlify.

Implementation Intentions

If you can get past the extremely click-baity nature of the intro (and title which was so bad that I used the slug to avoid repeating it here lol), there's actually an interesting article underneath on how motivation has very little effect on achieving goals.

The researchers discovered that what pulls that desire out of you and turns it into real–world action isn't your level of motivation, but rather your plan for implementation.