#3 / Feb 23, 2021

Rich Harris on "Futuristic Web Development"

Rich Harris (creator of Rollup and Svelte) previews a new app framework called SvelteKit which uses the Svelte component framework under the hood (it's basically what Next.js is to React). The most notable feature of this upcoming framework is that it uses Snowpack (the anti-Webpack) in development mode to maintain instantaneous startup and HMR times regardless of app size. Give it a watch, it's very interesting and impressive. (Disclaimer: not super new—from October—but it was new to me.)


Cool project that opens VS Code (in the browser) to any GitHub repository. Just change the domain from github.com to github1s.com. For example: github1s.com/namely/eslint-config-namely

"Why are video calls so tiring? You might have opposing cultural styles"

Interrupting someone before they are done talking can be seen as impossibly rude, as can not stopping when you’ve finished a thought. This is wait culture. Other people will talk until someone else interrupts them to respond—this is not only ok, it’s expected! [...] This is interrupt culture. As you might guess, these two conversation styles can come to frustrating clashes, especially in video calls.

"Talent is largely a myth"

With the amount of conversations, conference talks and hype going on around talent, you would expect people will have an answer to the question “what is talent?”. You’d expect, and you’d be wrong: “it’s like porn, you know it when you see it” is the answer I usually get.