Matt Turco

Software Engineer in Boulder, CO



Senior Software Engineer

Aug 2021–present


Senior Software Engineer, Tech Lead

Mar 2019–Aug 2021

Software Engineer

May 2018–Mar 2019
  • Defined the vision and roadmap for the front end platform. Established code standards and best practices. Led quarterly workshops to address tech debt and prototype new ideas.
  • Compiled weekly reading lists, presented new technologies, and led group code review sessions. Established a strong engineering team culture.
  • Onboarded and mentored 4 engineers. Explained best practices, reviewed code, offered role and career advice, and created opportunities for growth.
  • Built design system components, focusing on composability and accessibility. Emphasized the importance of semantic and predictable component APIs.
  • Developed a state management library that greatly simplified building complex forms with conditional fields, multi-page flows, input validation, and inline editing.


Front End Engineer

Feb 2015–Apr 2018
  • Created the charting library that rendered all of Gallup's line charts using JavaScript and SVG. Built an interactive data visualization on top of it.
  • Developed a UI library and integrated it into Gallup's custom CMS to enable dynamic content on marketing pages.
  • Improved keyboard navigation and screen reader accessibility for WCAG2 certification.

Optimum Data

Software Engineer

Nov 2012–Feb 2015
  • Designed and developed a web app to surface critical order and inventory information from Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Once rolled out, the app dramatically sped up order fulfillment time.


Web platform

TypeScript, CSS, HTML, SVG

Other languages

Java, C#, PHP, SQL

Component frameworks

React, Svelte, Lit, Vue

App frameworks

Next, SvelteKit, Astro, Nuxt


React Testing Library, Cypress, Chromatic, Lighthouse


Webpack, Babel, PostCSS, ESLint, Stylelint, Prettier