#10 / Apr 28, 2021

How often do people actually copy and paste from Stack Overflow? Now we know.

Stack Overflow recently collected some data (as part of an April Fool's Day joke no less) that revealed one in four visitors to Stack Overflow copies code from it. I, for one, am appalled. You wouldn't download a car, would you?

Next.js 10.2

Another Webpack 5 success story, this time from Next.js (who also announced they've snagged the creator of Webpack). Plenty of other interesting improvements as well including this clever addition:

Next.js now supports Automatic Webfont Optimization when using web fonts. By default, Next.js will automatically inline font CSS at build time, eliminating an extra round trip to fetch font declarations.

Beyond Calibri: Finding Microsoftโ€™s next default font

In font news, Microsoft recently announced it's deprecating Calibri as the company's default font (which had previously replaced Times New Roman in 2007). In classic Microsoft fashion, they have commissioned the design of five(?!) new fonts and are asking for feedback on Twitter. You know, from the general public. What could go wrong?


Having previously looked into Markdown-driven flowchart tools and been disappointed, I was pleasantly surprised by swimlanes.io which seems to get a lot right: reasonable syntax, impressively good editor with instant preview, optional sign up, and the ability to directly link to an autogenerated image of the chart.

Toggle dark/light mode by clapping your hands

Charlie Gerard (engineer at Netlify) makes the where-would-I-even-begin seem actually fairly well-that-didn't-seem-too-bad in this breakdown of her Dark mode clap extension.