#9 / Apr 23, 2021


A deep dive back to 2003 and it's kind of alarming how well this piece holds up. I love this rather aggressive but nonetheless true quote:

As a manager, your job is that of a bullshit umbrella. You need to decide what crap your team needs to deal with and what crap can be ignored.


While we're diving deep, Gary Bernhardt's classic "Wat" talk from 2012 recently hit Hacker News again for some reason. If you haven't ever listened to it and you think you'd enjoy 4 minutes of <nonsensical code setup> followed by <wat punchline>, give it a watch.

The Software Engineer's Complete Guide to Code Quality

Good summary of the many factors that go into writing high quality code. A quote of a quote I enjoyed:

As Damien Conway describes it, "documentation is a love letter that you write to your future self."

The True Meaning of Technical Debt 💸

Discussion around technical debt often revolves around sloppy or hasty implementation. This article digs into another cause which results more from a communication failure than an engineering failure.

Representing SHA-256 Hashes As Avatars

If you've ever wondered how, for example, GitHub generates unique default user avatars, this is a nice walkthrough implementing a React component that generates unique geometric avatars using hashes and SVG.