#5 / Mar 18, 2021

How to be more productive without forcing yourself

This article is super pragmatic and widely applicable which is why I listed it first. I found it surprisingly relatable and useful.

useEncapsulation — Why Your React Components Should Only Use Custom Hooks

I clicked on this link expecting to 🙄 but I was pleasantly surprised. In fact, I think I'm fairly convinced by it. It has definitely changed how I think about organizing code within a component function.

Mistakes I’ve Made as an Engineering Manager

Most of us are probably not in the target audience for this article but I still found it interesting. It helps illustrate how difficult good management is and, in a sort of reverse way, gives some ideas for how to facilitate it as an IC.


Two disclaimers: this is not the first CSS-only chart library (by a long shot) and I'm not necessarily convinced the way it works is a good idea. 😅 But it is very clever and requires little code to build nice looking charts.

Sorted CSS Colors

If you've ever browsed the list of CSS color names (say while working on a side project), you probably found it to be an impossible way to pick a color. This page interactively organizes CSS color names by hue and shade making it actually conceivable to find and use a color you like. Plus it's just kind of cool looking. 🙂