#6 / Mar 24, 2021

When Should I Interrupt Someone?

Great article on when to ask for help which offers 2 simple but good pieces of advice. Here's the first:

If you’re stuck for over an hour, seek help.

This beautifully simple rule works very well in most contexts. It stops people sitting on blockages for days, and stops them from jumping out of their seat early in a panic.

Compat2021: Eliminating five top compatibility pain points on the web

A new initiative led by the Google Chrome team to shore up browser support for some of the major pain points felt by web developers in 2021.

Emoji are the biggest innovation in human communication since the invention of the letter πŸ…°οΈ

This epic 57-tweet thread by Niki Tonsky (creator of Fira Code typeface) goes super in-depth on how emoji (and thus Unicode) works. (Pro-tip: use a thread reader.) Among other things, he explains how/why this works in JS:

[...'πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘§'] β†’ ["πŸ‘¨", "‍", "πŸ‘¨", "‍", "πŸ‘§", "‍", "πŸ‘§"]

What speed shall I go to make my day longer?

A silly question made interesting by how seriously it was answered.

CSS Generators

Some useful tools for generating CSS for things that are difficult to grasp purely by messing with numbers (realistic shadows, custom animation easings, etc).

A Complete Guide To Accessible Front-End Components

Really nice collection of accessibility information grouped by type of component. This seems like it could be useful if your job entails creating design system components. πŸ‘€