#7 / Apr 1, 2021

Substack's UI and 1Password just cost me $2,023

Cautionary tale about display logic, hidden inputs, and autofill. Plenty of useful takeaways but two obvious ones: 1) the name you give inputs very much matters and 2) don't get cute with form design.

Accessibility Menu on Fool.com

Someone I follow on Twitter called attention to the awesome accessibility menu in the bottom right corner of every page on Fool.com. Play with some of these options—it's awesome how configurable they've made their site in the name of inclusive usability.

Practical lessons from a year of building web components

A fantastic talk from Google I/O 2016. It's specifically about writing Web Components and yet it's one of the best talks I think I've ever listened to about general topics like component API design, versioning, documentation, testing, and performance.

Font size is useless; let’s fix it

Super interesting blog post from the creator of Fira Code (you can probably list my Twitter follows by now) on why the CSS concept of font-size is extremely flawed. I'm still waiting for the "let's fix it" part of the post 😅 but it's still very interesting.

SVG Generators

Smashing Magazine is apparently on a tear lately. Last week was CSS generators and a component accessibility guide. This week is SVG generators. 🔥 Lots of cool stuff in here but my favorite is this SVG favicon tool.